
January 16

Your Organizational Culture and What You Can Do About It

Character, Coaching, Communication, Influence, Leadership, Legacy


I have been doing a lot of thinking and processing through culture. This is somewhat of a buzz word today in reference to organizations. Every organization has a culture or as Marriam-Webster’s defines culture, it is “the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization.” The challenge though is do these things dictate how employees engage in your organization? My proposition for you is that you do have influence and can be the fuel that creates team by in and employee engagement!

First all organizations need to understand what their mission and vision is. Check out last week’s blog here! This is what drives your organization forward and the purpose it is to accomplish. Second, your organization needs to convey that purpose to the employees where they will actively engage in seeing your mission and vision accomplished. This often is the crux of culture and the success of your organization. Although employee engagement is on the rise as a Gallup pole suggests here. 34 percent employee engagement is still a bit scary. What can you do to fully engage your people?

As a leader you need to set the tone. Engagement is where culture lives. Here are five steps to fully engage your employee’s

1. Engage them

This is the foundation of employee engagement. You need to spend time with them. Love them. Care for them. This is what will build a trusting relationship where they will fully engage.  

2. Envision

Communication is key here because what you desire for your company needs to be communicated to your people. Communicate what is the opportunity for them as individuals. Help them see what their role is and how it integrates with the organization as a whole.

3. Equip them

This step has a double edge. The first is to make sure they have the necessary tools to be able to accomplish their job. The other side is to provide them the necessary training to improve and progress in the company. An article on employee engagement stated that “If an employee gets “to know more about their job, their confidence increases there by being able to work without much supervision from their immediate managers which in turn builds their self-efficacy and commitment.”

4. Execute

This is where the rubber meets the road. Where the owner, manager or supervisor earns their keep. Their job is to oversee and help the employee pursue the companies vision as well as the personal vision of the individual.

5. Encourage

One translation of this word in Latin is “to give strength of heart to someone else.” We all need that little boost of endorphins by being complimented and cheered on.

"Everyone buying into the team effort is essential to success."


-- Alexandra Kavi, owner of Urban Bricks in Killeen, Texas, Navy veteran

Let me say this again. Engagement is where culture lives. If you heard that and understand that, what can you do about your employee engagement and what does this have to do with you and your organization? I believe it is a game changer and may be something to consider in how you define success.

Even if you are a solopreneur you need others to help as you grow your business. Success is a team sport. This quote from Alexander Kavi and Navy veteran says it all. “Everyone buying into the team effort is essential to success.” I would expand on that and say that you need to figure out a way to engage your whole team to help them understand what their role is on the team which then brings about both individual and organizational success. This can be hard but as you venture into this new year how will you engage your employees? Do you think engaged employees will make your organization more successful this year and how do you think it will make you more successful?


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