
May 3

You need a BIG stone!

Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


Remember a couple of weeks ago I wrote about the example of the big stones, the pebbles, and the sand? The example is used to help people understand that we should be doing the big things first but if I might stretch the analogy a bit further, we need a big stone in our lives as well.

In western cultures we tend to want to plow through things doing things on our own. Very independent. In comparison God has designed us to be relational and live in community. The verse in Proverbs comes to mind.

Proverbs 15:22 – Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.

When I say you need a big rock what does that mean? What I am saying is that you need to find someone who you can confide in and bear your soul to. Often it is a two way street but the person should be someone who loves and cares for you who can speak truth into your life. Just to be clear, this relationship takes time. It is not something that can be manufactured but needs to be a two way street where you are open to the input and will take it to heart.

I have not done a great job with this but I am growing in having a person who I can confide in and bear my soul. It is a comfort and an encouragement to be able to know that not only will this person listen but they know me well enough to ask the tough questions. Who is this person in your life?

If you do not have a mentor or a person who can speak truth to you I strongly encourage you to seek one out. I know there are many questions running through your head as to sho and what if they tell something about me to someone else. This is where trust comes in. Trust to take that step to first of find a person and second of all be willing to be vulnerable. If you are not willing to be vulnerable and open to hearing some heard truths you might have some growing to do. Just seeing the need to have a person like this is a step in the right direction.

Seek the Lord’s guidance and He will reveal the right person that you will be comfortable with. Being willing to open yourself up is a testament to seeing God work in your life that will reap benefits beyond what you could ever imagine. Let the Stones of Life Speak!


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