
January 18

What are you building?

Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


I love the look of old buildings and especially those from the early 1800’s which were made of brick or stone and had many intricate details. Details like the spires, motes, parapet walls and gate houses. Many had details that would help them protect themselves in case of attack as well as often were very elaborate and reflected the personality of the owner. I am also encouraged that the castles were not built in a day! With this in mind let me ask you if your life was a castle, what would you be building? What features or things would stand out that people would notice?

Ecclesiastes 3:5 takes about casting away stones and gathering stones together. The casting away stones references the agrarian lifestyle of picking rocks out of the field in order to be able to plant their field with the hope of bringing forth  a productive crop. Conversely gathering stones references when a person wanted to build a house or if they were needing a pen for their sheep, they  would gather those stones together and place them in a way that each one fit together like a puzzle. This thought can be applied to your life!

Each one of us has choices and God has given us desires and passions to guide us in how we live our lives. What things are you gathering in your life to build it into the master piece that God would have you build? Now, you can build something that is just normal or you can build yourself into a master piece. We are all different and I am not here to say that we all will become a great work of art or made into something that is admired by all like some of the great castles over in Europe. I am saying that you can build something that is built on a solid foundation where others will see that you have character and integrity and have lived your life to the glory and honor of God! Let me ask you again, what are you building?

In the weeks ahead I will look at ways that you can build a solid foundation for your life. We will look at tools that you can use to help as well as look at character issues that would be indicative of someone that is building a castle and not just a sheep pen. You are responsible to build your life on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. Come along for the journey and let’s see what God will do in and through you.

God is a great God and desires your life to look more like a castle. What are you doing right now to work towards that masterpiece and what can you be doing to build your life into what God would have it be? The old saying that Rome was not built in a day applies to your life as well. Building a life that God desires takes time and much work. Are you ready to get to work? Come along on the journey and let’s build our lives on the solid foundation of God’s word and make lives that others desire to be modeled after.



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