
April 19

Tower of Power!

Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


Where does your power come from?

In an individualistic society we often feel that we can do it all and do it right. Our success, our status and everything that is who we are is our own making. I am not here to say that you did not have a part in it but is that all that there is to life, money, things, and the here and now? Some would argue that it is and others would argue against that but no matter the argument, my belief is that there is a better solution which takes the focus off of me and ultimately gives greater satisfaction in life. My suggestion is that there is greater satisfaction in the community of the church and like minded believers than in just any other relationship you might have.

Who you hang out with and who your friends are says a lot about who you are as well as will give you insight into your current trajectory in life. We like people that are like us but this is not always a good thing. Genesis 11 has the account of the tower of Babel which can give us some insight into hanging out with certain people. At that time in history everyone has the same language. It seemed like they were moving and working in one accord but just like a group mentality they started to go down the slippery slop of doing what they wanted and not what was best for their community. Destructive ideas came in which fed into their human nature of selfishness, pride and wanting to be significant.

Verse 4 states “and let us make a name for ourselves.” (ESV) which was a thought that brings in all those destructive thoughts. Left to ourselves or to a group of people that have many different views and beliefs, we can be led down those paths as well. It is so easy to take the easy way out. Right? The longer I live and the more experience I get, I realize that the easy way out is not the best. Life is full of challenges and there is usually no easy way. Hard choices and hard decisions are what struggles and life brings but there are rewards. Here is a deeper question. Should you plow through life on your own or would it be better and the decisions easier if we had support and accountability?

By all means! So where do you find this support? My strong recommendation is with people who you have more things in common and things that have eternal value. In other words people in your church. This also takes work. You have to be willing to be vulnerable and open to criticism.  You have to submit yourself to accountability and being open and honest with yourself first and then with others. Challenging? YES but well worth the effort. Are you going to live in your own tower of Babel or are you open to living life in community and tapping into that power? You are not an island unto yourself. Let the stones of life speak.



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