
April 29

The Three Most Important Questions To Switch Your Stinking Thinking

Communication, Influence, Leadership, Legacy


Stinking thinking is so prevalent today. Politics, racial tension, rioting, and whatever else is causing tension on our world today often is framed in the idea that we have a problem. I wholly believe there are many issues today that are problems. This frustrates me because often the way it is looked at there are no solutions because these problems are multifaceted and layered issues. What about your personal life? Do you focus primarily on problems?

I have found that for me personally I have tended to have a bent to focus on problems. I have had to ask myself why that is. One reason which I believe this is so prevalent for me Is because of what is going on in our world today. There is a highly charged atmosphere on social media and in the news, which elicits a lot of emotion. Because of that emotion, I know I have gotten in trouble in the past because of my responses and probably will in the future, but I am learning and growing to look beyond those issues.

Granted I will never be able to solve the big issues going on in the world today, but I do believe there are things you and I can do to move through some of the problems you are facing today. Some of the problems you may be facing are the challenge of overwhelm. The people you have working for you are not preforming to the level you would like. What about the frustration of your kids or spouse, employees? Whatever the situation I believe that there is a process to change your thinking and when faced with problems there are three important questions to ask yourself to help you move towards solutions.

- What do you want?

This may be the hardest question because we often do not truly know the answer. Partly because we have not asked the question but mostly because when we are caught up in a problem we are emotionally attached and not in a good spot to actually ask this question. Again, the emotions and frustration often hijack our thinking where you are hindered from asking this question.

Unfortunately, some people might think this a very egotistical question but when faced with the issue of an employee not performing this can clarify your thinking and ultimately the next actions. It will help clarify for yourself if it is just the performance or if it is the results that you are after. If it is just the performance, you might have to check your attitude and heart. If it’s results, then that brings up another question of what do I need to do or what does the employee need that I can provide to help them with their job. This first question is a gut check and one that will help you evaluate the situation which has led to the problem.

- What will it take?

Once you answer the first question it will lead you to a better understanding to be able to answer this second question. In the case of the underperforming employee if you answered the first question correctly it will bring answers to move forward. If it was just performance maybe you need to replace the employee. If it is results, then you will need to figure out what is needed to help the employee succeed. Is it 

resources that are needed or is it someone to guide them? Possibly it has a root cause where the employee has some challenges at home or there is not a good culture amongst your people. This is a great question to help you evaluate your resources and systems. As leaders often there are blind spots because of our everyday engagement and personal involvement. One of the main reasons to engage a coach is the questions that they ask. Think about finding someone to ask those important question to guide you along your path.

- What will I do?

This is where the rubber meets the road. Often this is where the solutions are found which means that you will have to do some problem solving. This goes back to question one as well which if the issue is with others then let me guide a problem-solving process. The biggest thing to be mindful of is what is the next step or what is the next item in the process.

Problem solving

Identify the problem –

This is often hard because in my experience it is something that has come up in the heat of the battle. Take a moment to ask the who, what, why, and how questions. What is the issue? Why did this happen? Who is responsible as well as who can help solve the issue? How can we be better? There are many more questions but the first step in solving problems is to identify the issue at hand.

Look at both sides – Listen

I have struggled with this in the past and maybe you have as well. It is a challenge for leaders to be humble enough to seek advice and to truly understand the issue. Your people want to help and be involved. This is a very simple way for them to feel valued and important. Even if the issue is not major just to be heard and have the opportunity to have input goes a long way in solving the immediate problem but also will open up doors where they will be willing to help in other ways to make your organization better.

Pause and Think –

Take some time to evaluate the input. Don’t be afraid to let people know that you need a moment or a day or so but will get back to them with a solution for the issue. Again, for many leaders it seems important to show their leadership by making quick decisions. Depending on the brevity of the issue sometimes it is helpful to give it 24 hours for you to ruminate on the issue to separate yourself from the emotions of the situation and have clarity on the decision.

Take the next step –

Finally, it is time to move forward. Knowing the problem, having taken the time to evaluate and understand the issue and have a solution make the decision.

Will there be other issues that come up? Life is full of problems, but it is how you handle and work through them that will develop your legacy and trust with others. Too often leaders get stuck in the issues and problems which leads to that stinking thinking. Figure out what you want and figure out what it will take to get what you want and take that next step. If you are in a quandary or are feeling overwhelmed and not sure what the next step is, click on the button below and let’s talk.

Take that next step and live out your legacy today!


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