
July 4

The Story Behind the Story

Daily living, Influence, Leadership, Legacy, Team


Why Is Your Story Important?

Today is the 4th of July, Independence Day, a day that we celebrate our nation’s birthday.  As we reflect on the meaning of this holiday, we can look back over history and see the ups and downs, the victories and struggles our country has faced.  Like our country, we have days of victory as well as days of defeat. Each is a story, and like every story, they each have a back story.   

In today’s social media platforms, people often display the persona that they want others to see.  These personas often show only the sunny side of life and not the truth about the author’s life. With the media the way it is, many times we do not even know the whole story.

One challenge I have is exposing myself and telling my story. Like many others, I want people to see the good things in my life and not the messy stuff.  As I have mentored young people, I have found it is important to be real with them by sharing with them the side of my life that has not always been shiny and bright. They need to know that I have made mistakes and have not always lived the way I should have. It is through these stories of mistakes that I am able to teach them how to handle certain similar situations in their own lives. 

My life is a story; your life is a story.  I have a story to tell, and so do you. There are three reasons I believe it is important to share your life’s story with others.

  • It is healthy: Telling your story to others helps you process through some of the mistakes and struggles that you have gone through. In my coaching experience and as I have been coached, talking out issues and challenges have helped me work through them. It has given me clarity and a better understanding of why I have done what I have done, and it will help me not make the same mistakes again. By processing through the past, you can evaluate and learn to grow and mature to make better choices in the future.
  • It shows we are human: As I mentioned, we all make mistakes. It is part of being human.  If you do not allow others to see that you struggle, others may think you are perfect and that because they struggle, something is wrong with them.  Sharing your story with others, including the struggles you have, shows others that you struggle too and that you are human. 
  • It can help someone who may be struggling with what you are struggling with: This is a big one because of what I stated earlier that sometimes when a mistake is made we often feel like it is the end of the world and we will never recover or that we are the only ones in the world that have made the mistake. Sharing your story and how you overcame struggles opens up the conversation for others to know that they too can overcome their struggles. Sharing what I have done in the past and the mistakes that I have made, can help others through challenges they may be going through.

The 4th of July is a time to get together with family and friends and tell stories and share experiences. I want to wish you a happy 4th of July and I hope you make some great memories. Share your story and see what happens. What other ideas would you see as important reasons to share your story?


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