
February 22

The Stone of Direction

Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


What are the boundaries you have for your life? Are there things you do or will not do? As a Christian there are things that are commanded of us and then there are those things that scripture does not speak into but it often gives us guidance with some principles to help in our decisions.

Through out my life I have been pretty good with directions. Usually if I go someplace I can find my way back there. Other people are a bit more directionally challenged. Both have their strengths which often is a reflection of their personality. Each personality and person have those guiding principles or things in life that are more important than other things. Becoming a missionary in the Bahamas has given me some insights into some of these differences.

One of the differences is the differences in relationships. There are cultures like the US that are very time oriented and other cultures that are more relationally driven. The God has made individuals and how he has designed them each has it’s place. Underneath each one though there are guiding principles which dictate the boundaries each one sets. Is your life lives where others see those boundaries and on the flip side see the direction your life is going?

The book of Joshua has the account of the children of Israel’s conquest of the land. Joshua had led the charge and had come to the end of his life which caused him to come to a point of knowing that he needed to charge the people of Israel to take responsibility for themselves and how they were going to live their lives. In chapter 24 we see Joshua renewing the covenant that they had made with God as being His people and then he challenged them to choose who they were going to serve. The children of Israel had made a decision that they were going to follow the Lord and gave them a physical remembrance of this decision or a stone of direction. Joshua 24:27 says.

And Joshua said to all the people, “Behold, this stone shall be a witness against us, for it has heard all the words of the LORD that he spoke to us. Therefore it shall be a witness against you, lest you deal falsely with your God.”

The children of Israel had made a covenant and pledged their word that they would follow the Lord. In other words they agreed to follow what the law said that was given to Moses. We have a guide which is the Bible to help us today to give direction and boundaries for our lives today. God’s word, if we read it and understand it will help us in all of our life’s situations to direct our paths.

Reading and studying as well as memorizing and meditating on God’s word fills our minds and directs our paths. Each day set aside some time to let God’s word soak into your heart and mind. This will bring God’s word to the forefront of the things that need to be decided and how you live your life. His word will guide your path!

The Rock of God and His word will give you boundaries and help to form your mind to take you on the path that He would have you go. Let the Stones of life speak!


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  • So very true. How often we have stumbled over that very stone trying to make things happen our own way. Thanks Tim

  • So very true. How often we have stumbled over that very stone trying to make things happen our own way. Thanks Tim

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