
November 12

The Secret to Farming and Thriving in Today’s World.

Character, Daily living, Influence, Leadership


I love to be out in God’s creation to enjoy the beauty of the world around us. A majestic sunset or the flight of an eagle. I have also envied the life of a farmer who has for the most part a relaxed lifestyle and has the opportunity to work the soil and provide the food that we eat. I am actually envious of the tools that they use. The power and size of the tractors that they operate is amazing. With this equipment it is easy to plant and harvest the crops but what happens in between these two major events? This is where the magic happens for the plants.

Why does some plants thrive, and others wilt and wither? It actually starts with the soil which is where the seed is planted. The soil is a great or metaphor for leadership. The seed is who you are at your core. Things like your values, your past experiences and what brings you fulfillment. The growth of the seed does depend on the soil in how it thrives or withers. As you mature as a leader and the seed grows there are many variables that influence you. Even if you are planted in bad soil? I believe there are three main ways to help you thrive in today’s world and grow into your leadership.

Watering –

Just like plants we need to have input and a source of food. I was convicted many years ago that after high school and college that I had not picked up a book or read much besides the news. I knew that to grow personally because of the reading that I have done. It is interesting that on average most people spend less than 30 minutes a day reading. This number has been declining for many years per the Humanities Indicator. If you desire to grow and mature as a leader this is one key factor. Start slowly by reading bits at a time. It is amazing that each bit adds up and when you look back you will be amazed at how much you will have read.

Weeding –

This is a hard step but one that is necessary for plants to survive. As the seed grows and the plan matures it needs water and nutrients to survive. Often there are other weeds that will take the nutrients and water away from the plant which is what individuals that are not helping you move forward in your life. There are different ways to do this. Sometimes you need to set up boundaries while other times you may need to remove them completely, you’re your life. Weeding takes time which I encourage you to take the time to evaluate your relationships and who you spend time with. Remove or set boundaries with those people or activities that are not getting you where you need to go.

Sunshine –

The sun is a source of energy. Plants need this energy to thrive. What gives you energy? I am a big proponent of sabbath. Sabbath typically is a religious concept which it is but can be translated across the board to our lives. We all need time to renew and recharge which is what sabbath accomplishes. Even the soil needs a sabbath which often happens in the winter. Through different seasons of your life this will look a bit differently but at a minimum I would encourage you to take two weeks off and disconnect. Go somewhere, explore something new, learn something. It is interesting that when I disconnect, I have found solutions and have found the answers to things that I had been trying to figure out personally and professionally. Just like plants we need energy to thrive!

I wish life was like the seed. Having someone or something push me into the ground only to sit there and wait for the water and soil to do its thing. Then when it sprouts to have the sunshine soak into me and do its thing. We are individuals who have an influence on how we grow. Are you being passive in this process or are you seeking to grow into a strong and vibrant individual? You were made on purpose and for a purpose. If you are stuck or need some guidance and direction on how to become all that you were meant to be, get on my calendar and let’s discuss how you can live out your legacy today!


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