
July 30

The Lone Ranger, Connection, and Your Legacy!

Communication, Daily living, Influence, Leadership, Legacy, No Optin


I am a big fan of the old TV shows. One that particularly stands out is The Lone Ranger. The Lone Ranger was a book written back in the 1930’s and in the 1950’s became a television show. He was the epitome of the American west and rugged individualism. Continuing the blog series on the 7-foundational principles of living your legacy, working on your character which is the first principle the next principle is connection which is how your character is lived out. We were made to be in community which requires connection with others even though we desire to be the hero and live out our lives as the rugged individualist.

As an introvert this has been a challenge at different points of my life. As I have matured and have grown as an individual, I am realizing that relating to others is somewhat easy for me. I understand that it may not be easy for you but also, I know it is important for everyone. I love what Brene Brown who is a Professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work says about relatability. She says “A deep sense of love and belonging is an irresistible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong. When those needs are not met, we don't function as we were meant to.”

We need other people to help us, guide us and to interact and pour into and guide others. This is where your legacy lives! Here are three ideas that will help you understand the importance of relationships.

Health benefits -

There is an abundance of research out there in reference to our social interactions with people and how it effects our health. According to an article from the Harvard School of Medicine titled The Health Benefits of Strong Relationships ,having strong relationships “helps relieve harmful levels of stress, which can adversely affect coronary arteries, gut function, insulin regulation, and the immune system. Another line of research suggests that caring behaviors trigger the release of stress-reducing hormones.” What this tells me is that this is important because the research shows that our mental health is tied in with relationships with others.

It develops your sense of community -

Your first community was the family you were born in to. Next, you went through some sort of educational system whether it was public school, private school, home school, college or trade school. Other communities would include church, civic organizations, and work/employment. In the workplace, the community is those you directly work with or alongside, or in the case of solopreneurs, community is made up of those interacted with on a regular basis. These interactions help to develop you into who you are today as well as give structure to life and where you fit into and benefit the whatever community you are involved in.

You NEED community!

Not living functionally in community can have negative effects. In the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, authors Debra Umberson and Jennifer Karas Montez say that “social isolation of otherwise healthy, well-functioning individuals eventually results in psychological and physical disintegration, and even death.” Isolation wears people down physically and mentally.  Captors use isolation for prisoners when they want to gain valuable information.  That is pretty sobering when you really stop and reflect on that.

"A deep sense of love and belonging is an irresistible need of all people."


― Brene Brown

Where building your legacy is concerned, you do not live in a vacuum.  Living in community is one of the 7-foundational principles of living your legacy. I believe we all want to have significance in life and desire to build a legacy. That significance is not built by being a lone ranger but in and through the connections that you have throughout your life.   You can be the lone ranger and blast through life, or you can slow down and enjoy those people that are in your life. This might be a struggle for you because you are so busy or maybe you are not the most relational person, or you are so driven which often will push people away.  You may be struggling with knowing how to go about building stronger and deeper relationships but take heart.  You can grow in this area. If this is you, find out more by clicking on the button below. Sign up for a free “zero” pressure consultation today!


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