
September 24

The Greatest G.O.A.T.s of All Time and Being Consistent.

Daily living, Influence, Leadership, Legacy, No Optin


Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Reggie Jackson and Jack Nicklaus. When they were at their peak of their sport what would you say exemplified them? One word comes to mind and that is consistency. Now you and I may not have the skills and ability that they were blessed with or have their star status, but I believe you can all be outstanding in your field by modeling the things that made them who they are. You can model the one thing that made them the stars they are by being consistent.

A great example of what can happen when you are consistent is the Ford Motor Company. Henry Ford was one of the first to understand mass production with the Model T. As the demand increased, he was able to develop new mass production methods in order to manufacture the quantities needed to meet the demand. What was behind the method was the understanding that each car would be made the exact same which then each car would perform the exact same as well. What made it work was each person on the assembly line knew what his or her role and responsibility was. Each step was organized where one part was installed before the next part. Looking back, it could be considered one of the great successes because of the consistency that the car was put together.

I would be so bold as to say that if you are not achieving the success you desire it might be because you are not as consistent as you could be. Let me give you three areas where you should be aware of and be either improving or tweaking depending on your season of life.

  • Routines – This is a big area where Michael Jordon improved. He went through a streak where his free throw shooting was not where he had desired it to be. Not only did he take the time to shoot free throws he developed a routine each time he stepped up to the free throw line. He designed a set of behaviors that he did in a particular order. What are some routines that you should be developing? You do have a routine whether you know it or not. It might be to hit the snooze a couple of times before you get out of bed. For me I have a routine of getting out of bed and having a quiet time to start my day. Michael Hyatt in his book Free to Focus recommends a workday start up routine and a workday shut down routine. Think about the routines you have and how they can be improved which will be beneficial to your consistency.
  • Habits – Some of you might be thinking that there is no difference between a routine and a habit. The difference is that a habit is the behavior that is done automatically without thinking about it. Another difference is that there often is a payoff by having a habit. One area that I have developed a habit is my morning routine. I get up and sit in my comfy chair and do my personal time which includes a reading plan of the bible and some prayer and meditation. I also have the habit of reading before I go to sleep. My payoff for this is the desire to be more well-rounded and to learn and grow.
  • Repetition – To round this out those routines and habits need to be repeated. Why are those stars I mentioned at the beginning stars? I think of Reggie Jackson who was known as Mr. October. He came through in the clutch for a couple of years. He came through in the clutch for a few years when he was with the Yankees and Oakland A’s. The challenge is not only repeating things but to be repeating the “right” things.

How consistent are you? Is this an area that you struggle with? Maybe you are not where you feel you should be either personally or professionally. If you are looking to be more consistent and need a bit of accountability or coaching in this area, click the button below and find out more as well as there is a link to get on my calendar for a free ZERO pressure consultation. Take the step today!


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