
January 7

The Fear of 2020 and the 3 Steps to Help You Flourish This Year!

Influence, Leadership, Legacy, No Optin


It sure seems like we are in perilous times. There is so much uncertainty is going on in our world today that it is hard to think about the idea of flourishing. With what has transpired this past year there is a real tension between opportunity and uncertainty. Like getting out of bed in the morning, in life there will always be risks. What will this year hold for you? As you think about your goals this year is there a balance where the risk you think is there will narrow the opportunity and that uncertainty might keep you from success? I believe that by setting big goals and taking the risk you can flourish in these uncertain times. If you think this is heresies or just plain crazy, hear me out.

"Risk narrows opportunity; uncertainty broadens it."


― Socrates Rosenfeld, CEO of iheartjane.com,

                                        Army veteran

Socrates Rosenfeld and Army veteran made the statement that "Being in the military taught me the difference between risk and uncertainty. While risk narrows opportunity, uncertainty broadens it.” To make the most of this year and accomplish the goals you have let’s look at three ways you can make this year great.

See The Big Picture –

I have done a yearly review for the past few years which has been helpful to me to get a broader picture of time and seasons and to gain a clearer understanding of the big picture. Part of that yearly review is to revisit my eulogy. This is an idea that I found which basically paints the picture that I desire for my legacy when my life is over. This is a great tool that can help you look forward which from that picture look at the areas that need to be improved to make that picture a reality. Breaking this down it guides my year to see where I need to focus on, and the helps design the goals that I would like to work on this year.

Manage What You Can –

Socrates Rosenfeld stated that “implementing measures such as contingency plans, quality control and redundant communication will enable teams to manage their risk in order to continue the mission.” Taking the time at the beginning of the year to think through what you can control is how to manage your success. Setting out goals and figuring out the steps will guide how the year will go.

Step Out With What You Know –

As we saw last year there are things that are beyond our control such as a pandemic but that doesn’t mean we curl up in a ball and not do anything. Listen to Socrates again. “A weak team will mistake uncertainty for risk, and as a result, will be quickly surpassed by those teams that can see the opportunity within the uncertainty -- and are ready to seize the moment.” If you have done the planning and with your strategic plan and goals before you take the next step!

We are not able to predict the future but there are experiences and knowledge that you do possess that are filters to take the next step. Even with all the uncertainty, we live in a great country with unlimited possibilities and potential. Look ahead and dream where you will be in 10 years and manage what you can because I believe that if you step out and continue to do the next important thing, the success you desire and dream of will be closer than you imagined when you look back on 2021 in December. Take risks. Live your life to the fullest and you will flourish this year!


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