
September 17

The Cowardly Lion and Building Courage

Coaching, Influence, Leadership, Legacy, No Optin


In the classic story of the Wizard of Oz, the cowardly lion, who is supposed to be “the King of the Beasts,” lets his mind believe that he is not what he is supposed to be. What he is not aware of is the definition of courage which is acting in the face of fear. Watching the movie, you see that in fact the lion is brave and courageous as he shows his courage acting in the face of danger. It is interesting that he thought he needed the potion that the wizard gives him but in reality, it was a mental block that he continued to act and do brave deeds.

Looking back on my life and you could do the same thing and see some of the crazy things you did while other things were not so crazy but took real courage. Each one of those steps were a building block to get you to where you are today. What we are living through today there are times of uncertainty which are going to call for greater courage moving forward. Are there ways to build courage? I believe there are, and these would be three things you can do right now to bolster your courage today.

  1. 1
    The first thing you can do to bolster your courage is to learn. There are so many avenues for learning today and many of them are free. Are you stuck in a job that does not fit you or you have grown out of? Take some time and figure out what you desire and pursue that. Do you desire a better job? Figure out what that is and do the research to find out what it takes to be successful in that field or position. Not sure what you want? Click on the button at the bottom of this post for a free consultation and explore the possibilities.
  2. 2
    The second item to bolster your courage is to do something out of your comfort zone. I would be an optimist who looks for opportunities and sees the possibilities. Even as we are progressing through this pandemic, I am seeing that things are changing which creates opportunities that were not there before. Early on during the pandemic I was able to reset and recalibrate my business which has opened doors I never thought possible. What are the opportunities where you are at? Just look at the explosion of personal computers. Whether you think Paul Allen and Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built the first personal computers both teams saw a need and tried to fill it. Be courageous and fill a need!
  3. 3
    The last are which is often overlooked when thinking about being courageous is to persevere. You may be in a place where you are struggling or plodding along. I would encourage you to not give up. In business as well as in life there is the challenge of the “messy middle.” Through this pandemic you may have gotten knock off your horse or have been a bit out of sorts trying to figure out what to do and what is next. Don’t dismay but persevere and press on. One way to rekindle the fire and to get back on tract is to revisit your why. Why did you start your business? Why did you go into the field you are in? Why do you get up in the morning? I encourage you to take an hour or schedule a couple of hours and really think through and refresh your memory on why you do what you do.

We are all in many ways like the cowardly lion. Sometimes we let our fear get ahold of us and other times we act in the face of fear. Whatever you are facing it is helpful to have a person who can push you, hold you accountable and guide you through your fears. Do you need to learn something new or do you need to do something out of your comfort 

zone? Is it simply a matter of not knowing your why? Take the first step to explore what might be holding you back and look at the possibilities of what you can accomplish with a little help. Click on the button below for a free “zero” pressure consultation. Be courageous and take that first step today!


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