
April 5

The Big Stones First

Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


There is an illustration which is meant to help people see that they need to do the most important things first using rocks, stones and sand. Maybe you’ve seen it. there is an empty jar with another container with some rocks in it. Another container with Stones in it and another one with sand in it. First the rocks go in and then the stones and lastly the sand. After each one goes in the moderator asks if it is filled. Of course we can see that it is not. If the sand or the stones went in first there would be rocks or stones left over and the jar would not be completely filled. The point is that the rocks have to go in first which signifies that we need to do the most important things first.

As this relates to our Christian walk, to really be grounded in your faith, growing and maturing as a Christian, one of the main tools to help you prepare your life to be what God wants you to be is meditating and memorizing scripture. Phillipians 4:8 says “Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” We could delve into each one of these phrases but as you read that I hope you were impressed by the phrase that drives the point home to “think about these things.” This has a much deeper meaning then to have a thought pass through your mind and say”oh that is cool.” No it means to really stop and process through what was said and to really think deeply about what you just read.  Thinking on these things is done through meditating and memorization.

First meditating is taking time to work things over in your mind. This takes time and is often hard. In our fast passed world we are scheduled to the hilt and are running here and there with no time to stop and smell the roses. We all have to answer to God for our lives and what we do with them. Sometimes in our rush and hurry we say and wish we were back in the “good old days.”

I have thought about this often and know that we can never go back but in the time of the puritans and in earlier days without technology people seemed to have more time and were able to spend it reading God’s word and thinking about it. One issue in todays world is that we are filling our minds with other things and not God’s word. Again as I mentioned this takes work and effort. You are reading this blog so you must have a little desire to be more like Jesus. Are you willing to do the work? Set aside 5 minutes to read a small section of scripture. Maybe a verse or two and then stop and think about it. Start with 5 minutes and as the Lord fills your heart and mind it naturally will stretch to long stretches of time. Be encouraged Rome was not built in a day! Let the stones of life speak.


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