
May 6

Life Is Short. How To Take Time and Smell the Roses.

Character, Daily living, Influence, Leadership


Yikes! Have you ever had that déjà vu moment when you are speaking with either your child or someone else that what you said was the same thing your father or mother has said to you in the past? Typically, it came out when I was frustrated with my child. Those moments are important because it gave me a chance to stop and think about what I was saying and to really think about what is important in my life. Whether it is something you said or an experience you have had in the heat of the battle it is good to not dwell on the issues because there is so much more to life than individual actions and experiences. Life is the totality of your experiences which compile to be who and what legacy you are leaving. So, what is important in life?

I do think this changes and fluctuates as you go through different seasons of life. As a child learning and experiencing is important. As a teenager image and being liked is important. As a young adult finding and making your way in the world as well as maybe finding a mate and building a family begin to be important. Ultimately, I believe it all revolves around relationships. Just like what is important in life your relationships will change through your seasons of life. No matter where you are in life let me encourage you with some ideas to enjoy the ride called life!

- Love people

I wanted to start here because this is a major challenge in our world today. It is also a struggle for me. As a person of faith, I am called to love the Lord and my neighbor as myself. I have laughed at the saying that if everyone in the world was exactly like me it would be a perfect world. This should really be a self-reflecting statement because if you truly look at yourself, like me you should realize that you are far from perfect. I blow off my faults and find a way to justify them. Can I challenge you like I need to challenge myself that I need to give others the benefit of the doubt and cut them some slack like I do for myself? Take some time to pause and realize that everyone has their issues and challenges that they are dealing with. In your pause stop to find a question to ask of whoever you are engaging with. Try to understand them and to truly take the time to get to know them. The saying time equals is very important in our fast-paced world. Do you believe this?

- Keep growing

I love to read but wish I could read faster. There is so much information out there and so little time. This is one way to continue to enjoy life through the stories and experiences of others. 2018 was a monumental year for me. After High School I didn’t go the normal route at the time and go to college. I chose to go to the school of hard knocks. I worked for many years and enjoyed a great career in the plumbing trade. When my wife and I went into ministry I knew that my experience might not be enough if I wanted to move into management or other positions in organizations, so I went back to school. I started the college journey in 2011 taking a couple classes every semester until completing my BS in 2018. I firmly believe that growing and learning are enjoyable and can add great value to your life!

- Take care of yourself

In different seasons there are different goals and ideals. I remember when my wife and I were raising kids that there was a sense that we were just trying to survive. Living a healthy life was not always important but it really should be because as I am learning what we eat effects our physiology and many other areas of our health including our energy and thinking. I am a firm believer in plant-based foods. Other ways to take care of yourself include sleeping, staying hydrated, and reducing your stress levels. The sooner you can figure out how your diet and daily living habits affect your health the better you will be and I firmly believe that your quality of life will increase!

- Enjoy the journey

There are too many things that can distract us and cause angst. The news social media and technology all bring about emotions. I believe many of them are not healthy to our life and should be limited. I am growing in this area and trying to live MY life and not compare or worry about what others are doing. A concept that is great to start practicing is to slow down to enjoy the present. My porch is one of the happy places that I enjoy. Partly to soak in the vitamin D but my main enjoyment is to feel the breezes and watch the world go by. I do get a fair amount of work done but try to spend a ½ hour at least just sitting and enjoying the day. Life is a journey. Take some time to enjoy it!

No matter what season of life you are in, you will not get a moment more or a moment less to live. Life is short and no matter the status or amount of money you accrue, you cannot take it with you when you die. Experiencing the moments with family and friends for me has more value than any amount of money or fame. If you struggle with a good work life balance, click on the button below. Let’s take a ½ hour to explore your challenge and what is in the way of enjoying the journey. 

Take time to smell the roses today!


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