
December 26

Is Your Mission and Influence Important for the Year Ahead?



Most years during this time I am contemplative and reflective. This year is no different. It is the day after Christmas which is a day set aside by most of the world to remember the birth of a savior, Jesus Christ. The holiday has gotten very commercialized but to understand the meaning behind it is even more important. Remembering that Jesus came to this earth to fulfill what was prophesied about him which culminated in His death and resurrection which is the culmination of the gospel. Reflecting and contemplating on this, I review my mission for my life which is helpful to gain clarity on the coming year.  My mission is to influence others to walk like Jesus to go and make disciples. What does that mean and how am I living it out? What will 2020 look like for you and how will you live out your legacy this coming year?

I have been on a journey in the past few years to figure out what a legacy is and how I can live it out as well as encourage others to live out their legacy. Living out my mission has been a journey. It has been revealing itself recently in how I am loving others. As we come to the end of the year what are ways that you can live out your mission and impact the lives of those that you influence?

Let me give you three steps to help you grow in how you can influence others this year.

Know Your Identity and Purpose

The world is spinning out of control. Along with that, life can spin out of control. Work, family, extracurricular activities, as well as church or other civic responsibilities. All these things are good but can be a detriment to really living out who God has designed you to be. In this time as the year winds down I encourage you to stop and to evaluate not only the activities that you are involved in but really think about who God has made you to be. This has helped me in the past to cut out things that were not beneficial to me or were energy suckers because they were not bringing me joy. Your core values are a great place to start. List them out and reflect on them. Put your core values together with the activities and projects you are doing. Ask yourself, are the things I am doing, do they line up with who I am or what I “should” be doing?

Understand Your Influence

This is a big one for the year ahead. The Google dictionary definition of influence is “the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.” By knowing your identity and the values you live by, you will have a greater understanding of how the way you live, what you say and what you do can influence those in your sphere of influence. How you act and what you say does influence those around you. Are there areas that you need to stop and think before speaking or acting? Reflect on that and think about having a greater influence on others this coming year!

Do the work!

I always enjoy the new year and spring. It is a chance for new beginnings and for starting fresh. In the past I have had a defeatist attitude which can be a struggle looking back at the previous year. Today there are more apps and tools to help with just about any challenge you may have but the real test is the persistence and dedication to do the work. I have used different apps and tools that have helped me grow and make progress this past year. Yes, you will fall and yes you will struggle but that is all part of the process. To be very blunt, that is life! Take some time to reflect back and celebrate what you have accomplished and plan to make this coming year better than last year.

Christmas is over and the new year is around the corner. Make the choice to do the work and impact the people and lives of those around you. When you know who you are and what your core values are, you will understand the value of how you live out your life. I challenge you in 2020 to go out and do the work! Make this your best year ever!

Tell me what is the one thing you are going to do this year to make it better than last year.


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