
October 22

In Times Like These, You Need To Reset Your Mindset

Coaching, Influence, Leadership, Legacy, No Optin


It seems like we are on the downward side of the COVID pandemic. I don’t know about you but if you are anything like me, this year has thrown me for a loop. It was interesting as I thought about the pandemic in the early stages that there were companies and businesses that were able to pivot and to make the best of the situation and will come out of the other side in a fairly good position. Evaluating the early stages of the pandemic, I also saw those businesses that went on a downward spiral and will probably not recover. What was the difference? I believe they ones that will recover and were able to pivot had a different mindset which started with a mind shift.

Reflection - Photo by Keegan Houser

If you are struggling and feel stuck or are not sure how to move forward to the success you desire or feel you should have at this point in your business or life, it is time to change your mindset with a mind shift. Here is a three-step process to change your mindset and come out of the pandemic in a better place moving forward to the success you desire.

Evaluate your mindset 

This is where it all begins. At the beginning of the pandemic I was very frustrated and had a couple of weeks where I felt like I was in a cocoon. It felt like I was tied up and could do nothing. One of the things that I have learned over the years is that in times like this it is helpful to breathe. What I mean by this is to stop and take some time to think. Quite myself and take time to calm myself and process through where I am at. Evaluate myself, my emotions, my anxieties, my doubts and also think about what is possible. Once I was able to see the situation from a logical, thoughtful situation about the realities of where I was at in my business, I was able to shift and see the possibilities.

Change requires a mind shift

Taking the time to process the situation gave me an opportunity to change the narrative in my mind. This is the mind shift that I am talking about. I knew that I would not be able to continue to meet new people and continue to develop the relationships that I had been building to make progress on securing new clients. This gave me an opportunity to update and make changes to my web site as well as give me an opportunity to evaluate the activities that I was doing and see what I needed to do moving forward. An example I saw was with restaurants. Those that figured out how to pivot and either have takeout or start doing deliveries seem to be holding on and will probably be very successful coming out of the pandemic.

Being optimistic brings opportunities

Some of you may be the glass half full people and others may be the glass is half empty. An area that will propel you further is in shifting your mindset to looking at life a bit more optimistically. Merriam-Webster defines optimism as “feeling or showing hope for the future.” This was my big mind shift after I got through the two weeks of that feeling of being tied up. By having a more optimistic view I was able to look for opportunities and move forward with a better outlook on my success coming out of the pandemic.

Are things hunky dory for you today? I would say that I struggle and know that you probably struggle with a lot of emotions and frustrations with what is going on in our world today. Because of the changes happening today there is a need for us to change and grow. I believe that it is important to have a good mindset but also there are times when we need to have a mind shift.

What are you struggling with today? Let me help you walk through your struggles and help come out of this pandemic with the success that you desire. Get on my calendar for a “free” ZERO pressure consultation to discuss your challenges and how you can move forward!


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