
March 8

Heavy stones

Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


A few weeks back I wrote about the woman who was caught in adultery and the heart of the Pharisees. Check it out here. I would like to revisit that account but from a little different angle. Today I want to challenge you to see what might be holding you back in your life.

The scene has a group of Pharisees bringing a woman who was caught in adultery to Jesus. Jesus being God understood their heart and motivation behind there actions. Jesus challenged them with the statement of whoever is without sin to cast the first stone. What I find interesting and what I want to have you think about is that no one picked up a stone.

As Jesus challenged their hearts, one by one starting with the oldest ones they departed. Why was that? IN life there are things that are done out of habit and then there are things that are done because we have seen it done that way before. Some things we are unaware of our motivation behind our actions while others we are keenly aware of our motivation. As Christians there are things that we struggle with and know about but also some things we are oblivious to.

Have you ever been in a situation where you are going through it and have this uneasy feeling that something is just not right? As an example you go into a business and everything seems sterile with the employees smiling and going about their business but you have this sense that something is off or maybe there is an underlying tone of uneasiness. Maybe that is what is happening in your life. There are things going on that you know are just not right or in line with God’s word and when you have time to contemplate it or in those quiet moments you feel a real weight or burden about what you are doing.

In Bible times and purists today would use a method of grinding wheat or other grains with a millstone. This is an apparatus which uses two very large and heavy stones to rub and grind together the grain heads to make flour. Those burdens of life and the things that you are doing that are not in line with God’s word are just like that millstone. They are causing friction and are grinding away at your character and who God has designed you to be. I ask the question again, why didn’t any of the Pharisees pick up a stone to stone the lady found in adultery? Was it the millstone grinding away at their concience that they felt of the sins of their lives?

I am not saying we have to be perfect because no one is and we are all a work in progress. Are those sins holding you back? I know that i would not be able to pick up a stone but by God’s grace and because I understand that I am a sinner and need someone to take my place because I can not pay the penalty for my sins. I also know and believe that Jesus did that for me and as I am exposed to His word and am convicted of those sins and errors, as I confess them I can stand before Him righteous and forgiven. This understanding frees me to move forward in life and not be afraid to pick up those stones that are trials and tribulations in life with confidence and use those stones for good. Be encouraged and don’t let those stones of discouragement be a millstone but throw them off and let the stones of life speak!


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  • Just a couple days ago the devotional we are using alluded to this. I do believe that God has been allowing me to be in that millstone. It wonderful to know that He is the one controlling the milling.

    • Amen to that! It is hard though sometimes to understand why things are happening but we need to trust and understand this thought that He is the one doing the milling. Thanks for the comment!

  • Just a couple days ago the devotional we are using alluded to this. I do believe that God has been allowing me to be in that millstone. It wonderful to know that He is the one controlling the milling.

    • Amen to that! It is hard though sometimes to understand why things are happening but we need to trust and understand this thought that He is the one doing the milling. Thanks for the comment!

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