
March 22


Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


The construction crew arives and unload the excavator. The stakes are located and the operator starts up the engine. His assistant sets up the transit level and finds the benchmark which is a point that dictates the level of the building and all the other points for the building. Points like the corners and hight. The excavator starts digging. He takes the first scoop which brings up some nice black dirt. The next scoop finds a layer of sand. The next gets into some heavier soil with some clay mixed in. The next scoop there is a grinding and the bucket has to struggle to pick up what it digs into. This is the top of what is known as bedrock. Different areas of the country have different requirements but the building needs to be started with the footing built on this bedrock.

Because life is uncertain with ebbs and flows of life there is a need for our life to be built on bedrock. Marrium- Webster defines bedrock as “the solid rock underlying unconsolidated surface materials (such as soil)” Each scoop brought up by the excavator had a different consistency. As in life we have these times when our life seems to be slipping through our hands like the sand. Other times we may have a little better grasp like a good handful of soil. Other times it may seem better with some heavier clay mixed in. As you think about your life does it have the experience of sand or clay? As a Christian we have God’s word which will help us dig below those times and circumstances and build our lives on the solid footing of a firm foundation, bedrock! What does the look like?

We have the tools and are given the opportunity to build our lives on a solid foundation. In the United States and now anywhere you have internet access you have access to a Bible. There are multiple sources and multiple translations to fit your style and flavor. The challenge for all of us is the desire to see our lives transformed. It is so easy to get caught up into the business of life and to just go with the flow and ride the waves. As a Christian we are called to not be carried along by the world but to be pursuing a life that is radically different than what we see around us. To do this you need to be grounded. Take time today and get grounded in God’s word! Let the stones of life speak


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