
April 16

Face Your Future With Purpose!

Character, Daily living, Leadership, Legacy, Uncategorized


For many years of my life I had been wandering aimlessly with no real purpose or goal. I thought I was in control while doing things that were taking up my time but as I have matured and grown, I have come to realize that those things were just busy work and really had not purpose accept were self-serving. Basically, without a plan, others planned my life. Do you have a plan for your life or are you letting others do that for you? I say that because everyone else will have a plan for your life if you are not purposeful and designing your life.

Some of you may be asking is this really possible? Others may be saying, yes, I have not been very purposeful about how I live my life and I would like to figure this out. As I look back I can say that I have lived a good life but when I really take the time to reflect and see what I have done and think about what I “could” have done, I can say that I do have some regrets.

You can’t live in the past and hold onto your regrets so how can you move forward? Let me take a past, present and future look at this challenge.

  • First of all, you need to accept your past. An issue I believe I had was that I took jobs because they were easy. One example is when I worked retail, I was fairly successful and so they promoted me to the Assistant Manager position. I was not ready nor at the time was I particularly prepared for the responsibility of leading. I could do the task part of it but I truly was not prepared to lead people. Looking back, I have some regrets of not being more purposeful f learning and growing in my leadership although it still was a learning experience which I can accept.
  • Second you will have to live your present with confidence. This may not be easy, but I feel this is the way we are designed to live. There may be challenges and things in our lives that are not comfortable but if you are living out who God has made you to be, this should bring you confidence. I feel that part of my life I was living out what others wanted or what others felt would make their life easier instead of truly what God wanted for me and my life. Once I figured that out, I was able to go forth and truly live with less stress and worry.
  • Lastly, if you know your purpose and who God has made you to be you can face your future and truly live it out! This is the challenge which first comes through understanding your identity. As I have eluded to I had lived the good part of my life with others planning my life. Maybe you are in that same boat and need to figure out what your purpose is. This is what I love and would be happy to help you figure that out. I feel that you can live out your legacy and you can do it now. Click the button below and get on my calendar to schedule a FREE “zero’ pressure consultation.

Accept your past with no regrets, live your present with confidence and face your future with purpose!


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