
March 18

Face The Reality Of Your Mess And What To Do About It!

Character, Coaching, Influence, Leadership


This past year has been a wild ride! We have gone through what is known as a worldwide pandemic which has had an impact on many businesses around the world. It has impacted most small to medium sized businesses which has both given those businesses time to reflect and recalibrate or to realize they were up against the wall and close up shop. It has been interesting to me to see which businesses made it and which ones didn’t. Without knowing the owners or managers it is really hard to know for sure but one thing that has been clear is that it has brought a different reality to “business as usual” and has given opportunity to pivot and figure out how to move forward.

One idea that has been evident to me is that those that didn’t see or adjust to the reality of the situation this past year were some of the ones that didn’t make it. In comparison, those that were able to figure out, pivot and make the adjustments to the new reality were the ones that made it. I would use those restaurants that figured out delivery and pick up when they could not have the inside seating areas open. Where did you fall on this spectrum? As a leader it is important to understand reality at any given time. Just because you can see and understand it doesn’t mean you will be successful but what you do with that reality is what will define you.

The leader cannot only declare reality but needs to see it and collaborate to get your organization to that reality! Because of the uncertainty of this past year do you really understand reality and what can you do to move into our new reality? Here is a plan of action to get you through the mess and move towards success.

Step 1 - 

Identify the mess. This was one of the first things that became clear to me when the pandemic began. There was so much uncertainty about the effect, length and how to handle it that some people froze up and didn’t know how to respond. There was a lot of emotions that were tied to the pandemic as well as what happened in Minneapolis and the election this past year. Because of that first thinking was affected as well as clarity. I have promoted this and would again say that by taking time to pause and reflect will help you separate from the emotions and the situation to take account of the situation and where you are at. There are three areas that need to be evaluated during your pause.

            People – You need people to run your business. Not only do you need people but you need the right people.

            Systems – Efficiency was critical when looking back on this past year and how people navigated through it.

            Financial – The bottom line is that you need to make money and being a wise steward is critical.

Step 2 - 

Be bold even in the mess – This was very hard looking back because of all the uncertainty. Inc. Magazine had an article that stated that to make a sound decision you only need about 75 percent of the total information. This past year has been a testing ground for this where many people get caught in the analysis paralysis loop. The article went on to mention the book Blink by Malcom Gladwell which stated that “great decision makers aren't those who process the most information or spend the most time deliberating, but those who have perfected the art of ‘thin-slicing’--filtering the very few factors that matter from an overwhelming number of variables.” My father had a saying which was “make a decision even if it is wrong.” There are times for that but don’t be afraid to decide even if you don’t have all the information.

Step 3 - 

Find the accountability to work through the mess. This might be the most important step. I have, to often in the past, tried to man up and do things on my own. Looking back, I believe I would have had greater success and would have been able to navigate some of the challenges that I face better by enlisting the help of a mentor or coach. As a person of faith there is the proverb by King Solomon which states “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” There is great wisdom and understanding in that which heeding that advice you will have greater success.

If you are a leader you will have mess. How you navigate through that mess will define you and define your leadership. I have experienced overwhelm and even burnout in my life journey. I encourage you to take a moment and pause. Maybe you need some time set aside to reflect and get your bearings. That is the first step. If you are not sure what your reality is don’t get caught in the overwhelm or the loop of analysis by paralysis. Take a minute and click on the button below to get on my calendar. I would love to take 30 minutes of your time because I know the value that it will bring to you. I do free “zero” pressure consultations which will give you a chance to see how coaching works and even if you do not choose to work with me you will gain some key insights which will help you move forward through your mess.  I believe you have the seeds of greatness. Get on my calendar today!


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