
October 1

Even When You Struggle You Still Have Clout and Influence

Character, Communication, Influence, Leadership, No Optin


With the political climate the way it is today there is a negative context to the word clout. In reality the definition is neither good nor bad. Depending on the dictionary you use clout can be defined as influence or power. I would have to say though in many experiences clout has been used negatively. What I hope to show you is that clout is something that has great value and should be used for the good of those you influence.

struggle and that is the concept of imposter syndrome. As I work with leaders this is a struggle that truly never goes away. Imposter syndrome is the doubt that your accomplishments or talents are internalized and that you fear you might be exposed as a “fraud”. Let me encourage you to use that fear with the understanding that you were placed in your position for a reason and no matter where you are on the spectrum of life you have been brought to this place and time in your abilities to lead and have influence over those that you lead.

If you are in a leadership position whatever that might be whether you are a father or mother a manager or the owner of a business, you have clout. If I may be so bold as to substitute clout with the word influence let me give you 5 ways that you can positively use your influence.

  • Through your character – Everyday there are situations where your character will be tested. Your character is who you are at your core. It is exemplified in how you live your life. Some of the ideas that I went over in the blog on character (If you didn’t read it you may do so here!) included your integrity, generosity and doing things with excellence. People are watching you!
  • Building trust – David Horsager states in his book, The Trust Edge: How Top Leaders Gain Faster Results, Deeper Relationships, and a Stronger Bottom Line , “Trust is the natural result of thousands of tiny actions, words, thoughts, and intentions. It doesn’t happen by accident, nor does it happen all at once. Gaining trust is work.” (p. 46) Every day make the effort because it is the core of your influence.
  • Being consistent – Last week I used the example of Henry Ford in building the Model T car (check out last week’s blog here).  He used a system which built a consistent product that performed consistently. As leaders of businesses or even as you lead your family, consistency is exemplified in how you interact with your team and how you perform. Your legacy is dependent on your consistency!
  • Being yourself – As you enjoy your work, your personality should show in how you interact with your employees. As you go up the ladder of success, there is a challenge to be something or someone you are not. People can read through this false self which can lead to distrust and lack of engagement. Going back to my second point of trust, this takes time and self-awareness but is well worth the effort. 
  • Listening – Winston Churchill said this about courage, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.  Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” As leaders and influencers, it is important to be humble and to stop and listen to others. Listening is one of the keys to building trust. On the flip side if someone calls you out for something be humble enough to listen and admit that you were wrong.
Growing your influence and your legacy takes time. The beauty of time is that even when you make a mistake you can still have influence. In the past I have said things that when I realized the affect it had and that my response was not helpful, I had to apologize. It was amazing how when others saw this, they respected my response in how I was humble enough to admit my mistake and apologize. This act, as I have come to realize, had a huge impact on how my influence grew because of my response.

If you struggle with imposter syndrome or have other leadership challenges or question the influence you are having on others, let me help you grow into your leadership. Learn more about my free ZERO pressure consultation by clicking the button below. You have great influence! Live it out today!


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