
February 15

Etched in Stone

Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


What is your source of strength? What do you trust in? Do you have some guiding principles that you live by? You make decisions every day, some are small things that really nebulous and others that can be very monumental. Have you ever thought about how you make those decisions and what you base them on?

Deep down everyone has guiding principles that they live by and drive the decisions that they make weather large or small. Understanding what those principles are and how you make decisions can be of assistance as you go through life.  This understanding and through making small decisions beings confidence as well as helps to be able to navigate through decisions as they increase in size and importance.

God, in His word has many things that help us in making decisions. There are commands and instructions to help guide us. But what about those things that are not spelled out in black and white? Let me encourage you with a verse from Exodus 24:12. Here we have Moses who was a man of God and had gone into the Lord’s presence to confirm the covenenat that God had made with Israel. Three things stand out that can help you as you come up to decisions and challenges in life.

Tablet’s of stoneExodus 24:12 – The LORD said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain and wait there, that I may give you the tablets of stone, with the law and the commandment, which I have written for their instruction.”

First God called Moses to come up to me. God is there and waiting for us to cry out to Him with our issues and decisions. Nothing surprises Him but we still have a responsibility to act and make the motion to go to the Lord.

The second help in decision making is that we are often called to wait. I wrote in a previous blog about the pause. This can be very helpful in decisions because it gives us a chance to hear from the Lord and to process through the advantages and disadvantages of or decision. God has given us a mind to think but if we have brought the issue to Him first and we have paused to hear what He is telling us can have the assurance of a more God directed decision.

Finally what should be our basis and driver of our decision is God’s word. This verse tells us that He has given us the “tablets of stone” for our instruction. His word gives us all the answers whether they are things that are black and white or not. God’s word has many guiding principles that help guide our thoughts and decisions These principles are based on what His word tells us.

I love Exodus 31:18 because we can have the assurance that His word is truth and is for our good and is profitable for instruction because it is “written with the finger of God.” 

It is etched in stone and is the source of our instruction and direction. Are you living your life and basing your decisions on feelings or the solid foundation of God’s word? Let the stones of life speak!


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