
February 8

Encouragement flowing out of the Rock

Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


Life is full of challenges and discouragement. Are there days you feel like you are beating your head against the wall or are really frustrated with the way things are going? I am sorry to burst your bubble but can I tell you that it is all part of life. I don’t like to hear that and I am sure it is not something that you like hearing as well but know that God is in it and is right there by your side.

I hear some of you say though that, Tim, you don’t know what I am going through and you just don’t understand. Well, I do believe I understand some of the things you are going through but not all since I have not walked in your shoes. I have not lived a privileged and golden life but have gone through my share of struggles. There is not enough time to tell you my story here but as God allows, I trust over time you will get a better glimpse into my life. Today we will look at a stone in the dessert which brought forth water. This is a metaphor of God and how he can satisfy us.

We are so blessed and really should not complain living in today’s world but it is so easy and often our first reaction is to see things from the worst perspective. This is nothing new.  We will see the children of Israel complaining in Exodus 17 as well as look at what should be our source and our attitude when we feel like complaining.

The children of Israel were in the beginning stages of a really LONG hike. A 40 year long hike where they had reached the area known as Rephidim. Rephidim is in the southern part of what is now known as the Sini Peninsula. They were following the Lord’s direction and had set up camp in this area. We do not know what the conditions were or the circumstances surrounding the scene as we drop in on this account of the children of Israel.

My suspicion is it was a bit hot and uncomfortable. I can relate and can empathize with their plight. We have experienced heat indexes of over 120 degrees which lasted for around two weeks straight. At the time we had access to air conditioning only at night. When you are hot and sweaty and miserable it does wear on your psyche. I have to believe the Children of Israel were miserable and their psyche was a bit frazzled. In this condition they went to Moses and asked him to give them water. It wasn’t really asking Moses but more like whining that they were thirsty. What was Moses supposed to do? In the dessert, it’s dry and hot, there is no water in sight. Mmmmm.

Being the man of God Moses was, he turned it around and asked them a question. The main question was why they were testing the Lord? Unfortunately like any other time when things are miserable and we are tired and hot, things start deteriorating  and went in a downward spiral. The Bible says that they grumbled. They only remembered the good things and the sunny side of life of their time while they were in Egypt and not the bad things from their time there. Do you do that? Block out the bad things of your past because you are in a predicament and only see how bad things are at the moment. Moses didn’t know what to do because the people were upset and were close to stoning him. Moses did what we should all do when we are in trouble, he cried out to God. God gave Moses specific instructions which he carried out in the sight of the elders of Israel.

Is this your first reaction when trouble comes? Pray or seek direction from the Lord? It is not my usual reaction but often the last when I have tried everything else. Our Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ is our help in time of need. Just like Moses, we should cry out to God because He has instructions in His word to help us when we are in trouble.The specific instruction are there in the Bible but we have to access THE source. Jesus is the rock. Let the Stones of Life Speak.



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