
March 29

Built on the Rock

Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


I have heard the saying that if you don’t know where you are going, any path will do. In life some paths are easy and others are hard. some go over the soft sand and are hard to walk through. Others are through areas that are terracing rocks. I don’t know about you but I would rather walk on hard rock than soft sand. This is a great analogy for going through life. Would you rather slog through the soft sand or walk on a firm surface? Having a firm surface to walk on makes things so much easier. A life that is built on a firm foundation makes decisions and direction so much easier as well.

There is a great visual that is used by Stephen Smallman in the book The Walk. It shows two walls on opposite ends. One side represents the world and the other Jesus. The diagram has an arrow going towards the world. It continues on as he represents our decision to follow Jesus with a curve and then the arrow goes straight back towards the wall with Jesus. This is a great picture of how we are supposed to pursue the Lord as Christians.  Timothy gives many instruction on how to live a life that honors God but the foundation comes back on us to “Study to show yourself approved by God” which requires us to build a solid foundation for our lives.

If we are going to pursue the Lord and ground our lives on solid rock our lives should have the daily intake of Bible reading, there should be a time of meditation and memorization, and we should be in a community that is encouraging and challenging us to be living lives that are approved by God.

Today there is access to the Bible in so many ways and means and it is all free and easily accessible. Often when things are easy we do not value it.  Just like food and transportation because we have access to an abundance of food and for many of us transportation is as simple as hoping in our car and going where we want to go. It is commonplace which causes complacency and is really not valued. With the ease of access and availability to the Bible, do you value the communication with God through His word?

Last week we looked at digging down to bedrock. If your life is going to be built on solid rock you need to do the work. It is a process which takes time. Like that example in the Smallman book, we need to turn from the things of this world and pursue God. Do the work and ground your life on the solid rock. The stones of life speak!


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