
January 25

Cast The First Stone.

Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


Momma said there would be days like this! You have struggles, I have struggles in life and that brings us to understand that no one is perfect. Have you ever had days when things just aren’t going well and you wonder why or, you have made some mistakes and feel bad about them? Have you been in the dilemma and or the struggle between what is right and the guilt of what you did wrong?

I love the story of the woman in John 8 that was caught in adultery. There are so many lessons from this story but the one that I am always encouraged by is the great question that Jesus posed to the  Pharisee’s that brought her before Jesus accusing her of adultery. Here were men who at the heart of things had deceit in their heart because they wanted to see how Jesus would react. They knew the law and what it said about sin. They had what it said in their heads but were so blinded by what the woman had done that they were blinded to see the bigger picture and their own sin. There seemed to be a mob mentality as well which blinded them further. But, Jesus being God, could see past this ruse and got right to the heart of the matter. There were two things that stand out.

The first thing is that Jesus didn’t respond right away. The Bible says at the end of verse 6, “Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground.” We do not know what he wrote but the point is that there was a pause. The pause is important for us because in our life’s struggles we should do this first as well. The second item of note is that he followed up the pause with a statement that asks them to examine their own hearts and lives. Jesus responds “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” This statement gets right at their heart and us by extension as well. The statement is meant for them to examine their own lives and search their own hearts to look at what they were asking of Jesus. The statement is reflected back to them and the motivation and for them to look at the deep seated heart issue of their action.

My encouragement is that I have messed up and know that I have had the heart of these Pharisee’s but that Jesus’ response to the woman is for me as well. I’ve made mistakes and had the struggle between what is right and my sin. I think I am like the older men from this account and would have not been able to pick up a stone but would have had to walk away in shame.  When Jesus stood up and looked around, he asked the woman, “Has no one condemned you?” We can answer like the woman. In the same way that no man can truly condemn us but only God through His word. If you have a right relationship with Jesus and seek to honor Him with your life take to heart His response. Jesus says, “neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on, sin no more.”

We are not perfect and life is hard with struggles and challenges. What are you going to do with the stones of life? As a Christian we stand before Him righteous and if you are His disciple you will seek to do what he tells the woman, “from now on, sin no more.” This is a journey and not a destination so be encouraged and journey on! Our journey will continue next week as #thestonesoflifespeak.


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  • Some good thoughts to ponder. We, as professing Christians so often are like the accusers. Yet, we so often find ourselves in the position of the accused. Thanks for several thoughts to ponder.

    • I hope it blessed you! Agreed we are often the accuser but need God’s love and grace everyday!

  • Some good thoughts to ponder. We, as professing Christians so often are like the accusers. Yet, we so often find ourselves in the position of the accused. Thanks for several thoughts to ponder.

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