
March 15

As Iron Sharpens Iron

Daily living, The Stones of Life Speak, Uncategorized


I love going to renascence festivals. Dreaming about the days of romance and chivalry as well as the swashbuckling days with knights a dashing princes and beautiful princesses. I would say that the most intriguing part is the slower pace of life and the craftsmanship that was evident in that day. I am amazed at the craftsmanship they had using the tools that they had. They did not have all the power tools we have today but were mostly hand tools done in a very methodical way. Unfortunately, today we are geared to want to get things done right now and on our terms.

Last week I mentioned the idea of carrying around those “heavy stones” and often that is what we choose to do. You know, being independent and doing things your own way. This is one way to get things done and to plow through life but I believe there is a better way and that is with the help and council of others. There is a great word from one of the wisest men in the world, Solomon.

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

This all sounds good but what does this look like in real life? The main challenge for each one of us is to make that decision to do find someone who we can trust. Being independent and wanting to do things our own way often leads to us banging our heads against the wall over and over. Now, I have a hard head and have done this most of my life. I wish that I had gotten this concept of a mentor or coach earlier in life. Thinking about this I wonder how God could have used me and what would have been the impact on others if I had figured this out earlier.

I believe one reason we do not do this is because we are afraid of what people think about us. You know, they might think that I am weak or not capable of doing the work that I am called to do. This is a fallacy and needs to be let go of. Instead, there needs to be a humbleness and a realization that a relationship like this is mutually beneficial. We all have issues and struggles in life and often the relationship is one where expressing our thoughts and feelings help to work out the issues that we are facing.

That relationship is one where the person we have connected with can encourage us and also challenge us to take the next step. I am not sure about you but I often am unsure and lack confidence. This relationship is one that the mentor or coach or confidant can ask questions and prod us to move forward. In other words, we work them through in our minds through discussion and by expressing what the issue is to find solutions. Whether that is a personal issue or a business issue that encouragement to do the next important thing is all we need. To often I get into the mindset that I have all these things to do where I am not able to process what to do next or what is the most important thing to do next. That is where a friend and confidant can be the safe place to help us move forward.

That stone that is used to sharpen instuments is often hard and is used to scrape and rub the knife or whatever you are sharpening smooth. My encouragement is to begin and to search for someone that you feel you can trust and will move you forward that will begin this process of scraping and rubbing your issues. Often because we are rough and need the molding and shaping, it is hard and it hurts in the beginning. But, as the process goes along, things get easier and there is not as much rubbing and scraping but more of a buffing and polishing that needs to be done.

We need others and need people to walk along side us to help, encourage, and keep us accountable. Take the step and find someone to walk along side you. Find that one person to sharpen you or search out someone else to sharpen. Realize that a knife or other instrument that gets sharpened takes time. Just like in the renaissance time molding and shaping our lives take work and needs to be done methodically. This process takes love and care and diligence to get the instrument, your life, to where it can be used for it’s intended purpose. Do the work and be the change! Let the stones of life speak!


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  • Reminds me of how I thank God for bringing you, Tim, into my life. You have really been to me, that kind of Friend. Thank you!

    • Brother, we need each other. I appreciate you and your faithfulness. May we continue to lift each other up and challenge each other as needed! God bless you!

  • Reminds me of how I thank God for bringing you, Tim, into my life. You have really been to me, that kind of Friend. Thank you!

    • Brother, we need each other. I appreciate you and your faithfulness. May we continue to lift each other up and challenge each other as needed! God bless you!

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