
January 9

A Clear Vision Can Put a Man On the Moon!

Coaching, Influence, Leadership, Legacy


For the longest time I could not have told you what the difference is between a mission statement and a vision statement. Do you know the difference and why does it matter?

It is a sad fact that most companies have both of these in a document which goes to employees when they are hired and is often a poster on the wall but the people in the organization do not know what it is or how that relates to the day to day operations of the organization. I believe that both of these are important and can drive your business to greater success.

First what is the difference? 

You can google what the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement and you will get a variety of answers. I particularly like the definition that I found in the book Advanced Strategic Planning by Aubrey Malphers. He states that “The mission states the direction and the vision supplies a picture of it.” I like this because it is very vivid in the word pictures with a vision being the “picture” of what you would like to accomplish or the end results of your efforts. The mission is the “direction” or the steps and process to get to where you want to go.

Why is it important?

This question goes back to the fundamental reason why people work. Money is often the third or fourth reason why people show up to work. In one survey I looked at the main motivating factor was that it was “Interesting work that motivates and completes me.” What I understand this to mean is that it creates value in the person which often comes from doing something that they like, believe in, or is important. Taking that a bit further, the book referenced earlier stated that “The right vision creates meaning in people’s lives, providing them with a cause and giving them a sense of divine purpose.”

Here are 7 reasons why a vision is important.

  1. 1
    Provides energy
  2. 2
    Creates cause
  3. 3
    Fosters risk taking
  4. 4
    Legitimizes leadership
  5. 5
    Energizes leadership
  6. 6
    Sustains your organization
  7. 7
    Motivates engagement

People will work tirelessly if the vision is clear enough. I would use the equal rights movement as an example. Martian Luther King had a dream for which people did some amazing things because of the vision that they saw of having equal rights. Our nation put a man on the moon because of JFK’s dream of walking on the moon.

“The right vision creates meaning in people’s lives, providing them with a cause and giving them a sense of divine purpose.”


― Aubrey Malphers

Now what can I do? I know that it is important to have a vision statement and a mission statement but what if I don’t have one? What if I do but it is outdated and is not who and what my company is today? This is not an easy process nor is it something that is done in an afternoon.

What you should do to make sure next year is your best ever?

  1. 1
    Evaluate everything that you are doing currently.
  2. 2
    List and explain your core values.
  3. 3
    Dream and brainstorm what you would like your company to like in 5 or 10 years. Distil that into a statement that would fit onto a business card.
  4. 4
    Start listing the steps you will need to take to get to that vision.

Now is the time to start this process. It is helpful to enlist an outside source who is not emotionally attached to your business because it brings an open mind and a way to interject questions and ideas that you might not have thought about. If you are interested in taking the next step please contact me here or send me an email at tlslegacycoaching@gmail.com


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